direct mail man at home checking mail

Direct Mail in a Post-COVID World: Adapting to New Consumer Behaviors

There used to be a time when direct mail was considered one of the primary ways to get a brand’s message directly in front of potential customers. Then technology took center stage, and consumer behaviors and preferences shifted. As a result, sending postcards, letters, flyers, and other traditional mail pieces was suddenly considered old-school in today’s world of digital marketing. In some people’s eyes, perhaps there was no longer a place for direct mail in the modern environment. The reality is that there is always a place for strategic direct marketing. On top of that, the marketing landscape—including what works, what doesn’t, and what can be effective—is always shifting. And right now, we’re witnessing a resurgence in direct mail. The reason? The COVID-19 pandemic.

Do not worry; we are thankfully far enough removed from the pandemic and required lockdowns. That said, spending so much time at home during those days has created a shift, with would-be consumers paying more attention to and interacting with promotional mail and direct mail than they did pre-pandemic.

As a result, there is still great value in keeping in touch with customers through direct mail pieces.

Are You Adapting to Consumer Behaviors With Direct Mail Strategies?

  • Personalized flyers and postcards
  • Promotional letters
  • Promotional coupons
  • Catalogues and brochures
  • Dimensional mail
  • Gifts
  • Welcome cards

Brumley Printing is the best choice for commercial printing in Fort Worth. Call (817) 336-5551 today to see what we can do for your business.

Statistics Show a Clear Resurgence in Direct Mail

More and more research studies show that direct mail still gets a better response rate than email marketing. According to several online sources, the average response rate for direct mail currently falls around 5.1% compared to the 0.6% response rate emails generate. According to a generational study by the United States Postal Service, 71% of all consumers are excited to discover what the mail brings every day, and nearly half of millennial consumers went to a brand’s website to take action after receiving relevant direct mail. The study also said that while both direct mail and email are likely to at least be skimmed, mail actually has higher read rates than email across all age groups.

direct mail mother and daughter checking the mail

There are a few possible reasons for this:

1. A post-COVID world

When businesses shut down, and the nation was forced to shelter in place, businesses that used direct mail found that it was a great way to keep their brands visible and stay in touch with existing customers who couldn’t come in person. And because people had more time at home, they were more likely to interact with these materials. From a purely emotional standpoint, direct mail provides something tangible and personalized that consumers can touch—versus a cluttered digital marketing environment. It has widely been reported that 73% of American consumers say they prefer being contacted by brands via direct mail because they can read it whenever they want.

2. Increased personalization

In the post-COVID world, there’s an even greater emphasis on personalization. Consumer behavior demands it. They expect businesses to tailor their messages to address their specific needs and concerns. Direct mail is increasingly answering this challenge and has evolved thanks to its ability to integrate with digital efforts (personalized URLs, QR codes, etc.). Direct mail retargeting is different from traditional direct mail because you send personalized letters, flyers, or postcards to a recent website visitor who didn’t convert their search into a purchase. According to the Direct Marketing Association, traditional direct mail marketing typically delivers about a 4.4% response rate. Personalized direct mail marketing, including direct mail retargeting, typically results in response rates of between 12% and 15%.

3. Digital fatigue

Even though everyone can appreciate the digital world and quick access to information, many people are often overwhelmed by the sheer volume of electronic communications. According to Statista, an estimated 333 billion emails were sent and received daily around the world in 2022. That figure was projected to increase to 392.5 billion daily emails by 2026. Experts generally agree that the average person receives roughly 121 business emails each day. Granted, not all of those are marketing-related, but you can see the fatigue this causes, leading to many emails being deleted without being read. Direct mail has a higher open rate.

direct mail tired eyes staring at computer

Call (817) 336-5551 to partner with Brumley Printing for all your commercial printing needs!

6 Direct Mail Best Practices in a Post-COVID World

If you’re like most business owners hoping to convert lookers into buyers, you spend a lot of time and money driving website traffic, focusing on email marketing, and utilizing other digital marketing strategies to grab their attention. That’s what everyone else is doing—because it works. But as we’ve discussed throughout this article, there is absolutely a place for strategic direct mail in your marketing plans.

Here are a few best practices to consider:

  1. Invest in eye-catching design and compelling messages to leave a lasting impression.
  2. Consider integrating your direct mail efforts with other marketing channels for a cohesive experience.
  3. Use personalized content as it resonates more with your customers.
  4. Include incentives and promotional offers to encourage responses and potential conversions.
  5. Tailor your direct mail campaigns to different audience segments.
  6. Partner with a professional printing company.
direct mail handshake meet your printer

Brumley Printing in Fort Worth Wants To Be Your Direct Mail Partner!

Direct mail is not a thing of the past. If anything, it is alive and well. All you have to do to learn more about our personalized direct mail service and how it can improve response rates and deliver a higher ROI for your organization is to call Brumley Printing today. When you choose Brumley Printing as your print provider, be assured that you are getting high-quality and great value. Brumley Printing has been helping Fort Worth businesses with their printing and marketing needs for over 30 years.

When you choose Brumley Printing as your print provider, be assured that you are getting high quality and great value. We provide a range of methods to meet your project’s unique needs and demands. Plus, we offer unprecedented service and guidance to every client.

To get started, give us a call at (817) 336-5551 or contact us.

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